Welcome to the Dennis MUD public test instance, running Dennis MUD (GitHub).
This is experimental software. If something goes wrong, try refreshing the page.
The server will restart occasionally for updates and bugfixes. It's rarely down for more than a couple minutes.
Telnet service on port 37380!

In this game, you use in-game commands to create the content. All content is user-created.

To get started, type "register username password", substituting the username and password you want to use.
Then type "login username password" with the username and password you chose to log in.

Important commands for the casual player include "look", "go", "say", "action", "chat", "use", and "describe self".
Read the help pages for the other commands listed by "help" to get started making content.
Important commands for world-building include "make room", "describe room", "make exit", "describe exit", "make item", and "describe item".

Using the "help" command by itself will list command categories.
Using "help" on a category will list the commands in that category.
For example, "help exploration" will list commands related to exploration.
You can also use help on a particular command to see a manual entry for that command.
For example, "help make item" will show the manual entry for the "make item" command.

If you get lost, you can use the "xyzzy" command to return to the first room.

Have fun!

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